Einstein’s Special Theory of relativity is capable of being responsibly taught in early undergraduate physics courses. It’s not easy but the mathematics is accessible and the concepts amenable to interesting analogies and occasional paradoxes.
The General Theory is an entirely different mountain to climb requiring substantially more preparation, focus, and stamina. Physical chemists such as myself have to have a very solid foundation in several branches of physics but GR has left many of us at Base Camp Motel 6 saying, “Someday…”
And then comes this beautiful 2 hour video by Dr. Physics A of the UK; “Einstein Field Equations – for beginners!” He takes the famous field equations as shown in the Subject and explains where each of the terms comes from and how they work together to describe space, time, and matter affecting one another. The Doc is refreshingly honest about what he is doing – basic introduction, not rigorous, covering only the essence. He’s understating a marvelous accomplishment. Having watched this handcrafted lecture, I now think that I might, in time, be able to make another attempt at the classic text/doorstop of Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler. It will still be an hell of a climb but there’s some idea of the destination and a path towards it.
For the full treatment, he recommends Prof. Susskind’s 2008 lecture series at Stanford:
And who is this Doctor Physics A who prepares so many videos for British high school students? Turns out he’s a nuclear physicist by training and an entertainer by avocation. Impressive!